'Rare species'

Born and brought up in a family of doctors and also married to a  doctor, I am the odd one out being an Artist! Having no God father and guide to help me survive and thrive in this strange world of creativity and with no regular income structure, I have managed to survive. Trying to make my mark and make some noise through my Art.

Going to hospital parties was a regular thing since childhood since my father is a doctor. Now married to a Plastic Surgeon, going for hospital rounds before reaching the party venue is a norm. Hospital parking was a hang out place for me and kids, waiting for the 'doc' to finish his routine rounds. I have been tricked by hubby to go for a drive and coffee many times, but landing at Fortis hospital CCD, and 'me' being 'me', would happily sip coffee alone while he finishes his work.

Anyway, long story cut short, in one of his "high end lavish doctor's party", with all the top most doctors in town, their spouses being doctors too, I tried to blend in nodding at their medical jokes and boring medical jargon. I would be introduced by my husband as 'my wife' to all. It would be taken for granted that I too am a doctor and would be addressed as 'doc saab' by the juniors, but I immediately but apologetically would inform them that I am an artist and not a doctor. Sometimes being dismissed or sometimes to be seen with awe, I got used to the reaction by my husband's colleagues, post my introductions.

( Though, I can't deny the fact that I am a 'doc saab' for my maids and house help as they come to me for medical advise regularly, before I refer them to bade doc saab, my FIL, who is a general physician for regular stuff or chote doc saab, hubby dear, for surgery or complicated stuff! Wonder what my daughter's category be when she finishes her medicine? Sometimes I would also  serve as medical advisory to some close friends. Just yesterday a friend called enquiring which covid vaccine shot to be given to her parents assuming I would know, and I happily obliged too).

Anyway, In one such party when I was introduced by my husband (now he would mention my profession before I would, as he realised it's a thing for me), one of his colleague  was awestruck when was told that I am an Artist. He  had never met any artist in his entire life before and addressed me as a 'Rare Species'!! Well, that was something new for me too! I have studied 'zoology' and 'animal kingdom' before I dived in the world of art education and profession but never did I imagine I would be reffered to as a 'Rare Species', in any point of my life, straight from my zoology text book. It was an interesting analogy.

Soon I realised that there is something about the artistic people and art field that always intrigues others. It's like artists have a different vision, a different viewpoint. They have immense waves of creativity within but somehow, most artists seem sorted! Artists mostly look at peace when they are involved in their art forms. The reason is that it is not them but the art form that is the communicator, the healer or the peacemaker.
Art has a potential to transform lives and often in profound ways. When words are not enough, we turn to images and symbols to tell our stories. And in telling our stories through art, we can find a path to healing , recovery and transformation.

So, the point I am making here is,  that, anyone who can pinch clay or hold a pencil, touch, smell, hear and see, can be an artist. Through art, even people who do not view themselves as creative, end up reconnecting to that childlike sense of play and enjoyment they had when they got their first box of crayons in kindergarten. Whether we toil over with oil paints on canvas or doodle mindlessly on paper, research suggests, the act of creating art has a therapeutic effect. It reduces stress and lift up the spirits.
Art forces us to forge a connection between our mind and our body. Even if one feels like they are not artistic or creative but still indulge in any form of art in a recreational way, art still works as a powerful healing tool that helps anyone with anxiety issues or stress issues in this fast paced world and have a calming effect. It has been seen that if a person is incapable of speaking about some issues, art helps in self expression.
Sometimes healing mentally, physically or emotionally is not always about medication or therapies, doctors or hospitals. Healing is also an internal process involving will, strength and positivity. Ask any artist and they will tell you, art in any form is primarily therapeutic for them. This process, involved in expressing one-self artistically can help people to resolve issues as well as develop and manage their behaviour and feelings, reduce stress and improve self awareness and self esteem.
Colors, brush strokes, hand paint, wild random strokes, splashes of paint or serene calm landscapes, all can be a part of healing process. In this fast paced world of anxiety, work pressures and relationship issues, each and everyone should find their way to self- express via any form of art.Take your pick from Visual Art to performing Art to Music to Handycrafts. But take the plunge!
'Art Retreat'  is such an initiative by me to encourage everyone to take up any form of art as self expression and  also to reach to one and all who want to start their Art journey !

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