Covid 2021- This is 'WAR'

The war began and before we knew the enemy reached home! 

This unknown enemy called the 'Indian Mutant Covid Virus' was something we tried hard to keep at bay the whole of 2020, attacked us eventually. 

Hubby started showing some symptoms and we all immediately put our gaurds on!! As it is, we had built our fort pretty tight letting go off all our house help since the cases were alarmingly increasing all around us, shutting down my creativity Art Retreat' and taking plunge in the mundane chores! Believe me it's not easy in India since we are so used to house help for our extensive 3 full course meals and a few in between snacks for kids and also seniors in house. Not to mention summer months bring in dust storms which means everyday cleaning n dusting!

To add to all this, one soldier down with this attack of the virus is a tough situation! It's even more difficult when that one person happens to be a doctor himself. As the saying goes ' doctors are the worst patients' , as they imagine the worst for themselves in this already worsening scenario!!

I prepared my studio (which is two floor above our apartment) to which I had said good bye for the time being, accepting my 'house maid' status in full glory, for my soldier's quarantine. Shifting him above with all his belongings to make him comfortable,  some snacks, kettle n tea bags already in place, we left him alone to recover! Meeting only while giving food and supplies! Video calling when free from house work was the only comfort I could give him.

When Fever not going away for another few days with all his medications and now appetite also lost, CT scan was immediately advised by his doctors from hospital.

While we were coping with this terror here in Delhi, my 84 old father living in Jaipur with my mom, who was developing some symptoms, called to inform his condition too.

All the panic buttons of my cool self, now started hitting! I was trying to maintain my quarantine, staying at home, as I was also exposed, trying to cope with hubby's Covid status, my younger 2 kids and 85 year old father in law, who suffered from a mild stroke last year, at home, along with cooking and cleaning, it looked impossible to travel to jaipur to bring them here.
Meanwhile CT scan of hubby showed lung involvement and with this mutant virus acting strangely, without taking any chances, immediate hospitalization for him was mandatory!

Next day at the Fortis Hospital after a long wait (inspite of the fact he is the HOD plastic surgery in the very hospital) he finally got admission. Bed was alloted way in the evening along with a few more consultants of the hospital, amongst which the covid speacialist himself, treating all his admitted covid patients from his bed, was also there. 
(More of inside the hospital scenario in next blog).
Situation was bad.
Fortis hospital looked like a war zone. 

Handing his few belongings to his hospital staff, to take him to the covid ward I bid my goodbyes from outside. It was a 'deja vu' sort of a moment for me, like dropping off my little kid to kindergarten on the first day, only difference being, not knowing when will he be back!!
It's a very overwhelming experience.

Coming back home I called my dad to know his condition, finding my mom replying to the call, completely stressed. She informed me that dad lost his consciousness and fell in the bathroom last night and she also strained her back trying to pick him up! Thanks to my mama (maternal uncle) who rushed in the middle of the night to help and took charge of the situation. 

But now what? Doctors were consulted , some medications started but dad was in no condition to be treated at home. I informed my sister immediately who works in Birmingham, UK, as an Anaesthetist. She had done her MBBS from jaipur SMS medical college and knew a few of the colleagues practicing in jaipur. Immediately she booked an appointment and dad was taken to covid specialist for immediate consultation. He advised admission for further treatment and some investigations. As much as we were apprehensive to get him admitted in the hospital at his age, there was no vaccancy also.

It was a nightmare for us as a family! My uncle was doing his best but with one daughter (in Birmingham) and one son in law (presently himself undergoing covid treatment) doctors themselves, they were of the opinion to shift dad to Delhi for better advise and treatment.

Meanwhile, my older daughter who is a 2nd year resident doctor in Anaesthesia working in Pune, was informed of both the cases. She has one full year of covid treatment experience over the past year, as Pune was badly hit in 2020 and she was in the middle of all this, doing heavy duties. She immediately took it up to her to take up her nanu's treatment in her hand, since moving him anywhere in this condition was impossible. She booked first flight available from Pune to jaipur, took all her pending annual leaves, informed her senior consultants and reached jaipur the very next day. Meanwhile dad's tests and CT were also done. His covid test came negative twice, but his symptoms were otherwise.

It was a sigh of relief for the entire family when she reached jaipur. She Immediately put her one year covid experience in action!! Started all the intravenous medications subscribed by the local treating doctor and already arranged by my uncle. 

Consulting her mossi in Uk and her dad in Delhi and using her own clinical skills she converted her nanu's room into a mini covid icu and worked on his treatment and diet with all the love and care she could give, attending to him day and night!

Cooking is like a destress for her so whenever she could she cooked some healthy soups n khichidi for both her nanu and nani assisted by our house help Prakash whose name I need to mention too as he is also taking loving care of both my parents from many years. 

It was personal home and medical care at the best. 

She pulled dad out of this scary situation with a lot of patience and care, when we all felt so handicapped, stressed and helpless as we could not be there physically! She proved to be a 'Knight with a shinning Armour', a true Covid warrior. Not to mention my uncle Col Alok Rai Mathur, and his family, present there  from day one, bringing medicines and supplies and sometimes cooked meals and also starting physiotherapy for my mom's back who also needed attention for her own issues. Always been a pillar of strength for us as a family!

Nightmare was not over for us yet, as our extended family members, hubby's sister's entire family and many friends falling in hands of this deadly virus. Hubby from his hospital bed and daughter from jaipur, were continuously doing tele consultations to so many dear family and friends who needed advise,  treatment, prescriptions for medicines, contacts for oxygen cylinders, concentrators etc for covid. We were all in this since this mayhem started and it's getting worse every where around us. Me, also trying my best co ordinating from outside whoever was calling me helping whoever I can with whatever I could.

My heart goes out for all those who lost their loved ones to this war, some are still struggling. Some were in denyal or acceptance that they can get covid, some started late treatments, some did home treatment and some went to hospital late, and some didn't get the medical treatment they needed and much more.

Governments and authorities lacked infrastructure and advance planning. Kept playing the blame game when every Delhite suffered.  On top of this, there are a few taking every opportunity to make profitable business out of people's sufferings, selling medicines and equipments needed for treatment in black. 

Covid is not going anywhere as of now! We all as a nation need to change and discipline ourselves and obey all the protocols for next coming months, till everyone in India, infact in the world is vaccinated!!
 It's a long struggle and war against this deadly enemy! Let's prepare ourselves!!

I would advice everyone not to take this virus lightly. It is attacking everyone, every cast, every age. No one is spared. If you get a slightest fever, have loss of appetite, taste or smell, treat it as covid. Consult your doctor, immediately isolate yourself and start treatment. Trust your doctor, believe me it's all a  time game and the doctors know exactly when and what to do!! 

Have trust in doctors and faith in Almighty!
Eat healthy, stay fit and  pray, to begin with!

Today after 3 weeks of isolation and hospitalization hubby is back home. Gini too returned back to Pune once her nanu was stabilized and started walking on his own and his appetite was back.  
We are so proud of you ,little yet great, our very own 4th generation doctor from both maternal (Mathur) and paternal ( Gupta) family,  
Dr Tanvangini Richie Gupta!!

Dr Richie Gupta, welcome back home! Continue helping everyone around with your selfless guidance and medical advice.
Dr Dikshika Mathur, keep up the good work!!

April 14th - 4th May 2021
( Worst nightmare of my life)

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